Coupon Newbie

Welcome Readers!
If you are new to couponing, you have come to the right place! As a passionate couponer I have put together a a couponing guide as a way to introduce you to the world of couponing and the art of saving money.


Why coupon?
To save money of course!

What is couponing?
Couponing is the art of matching coupons with stores sales, rebates, and other promotional offers to get the lowest possible price.

Where can you find coupons?
Almost Everywhere!

•Sunday newspaper (Maysville readers, the Ledger)
•The Internet: printable coupons – There are a lot of printable coupons – Some of my favorite sites are: RedPlum, SmartSource,, and Cool Savings.
•Coupon mailers from unsolicited companies or from a manufacturer with whom you have signed up in the mail or online.
•In magazines–in particular, All You Magazine! (purchase at Walmart)
•Inside products or on the box of a product
•Loaded to your savings card, if available, or to your cell phone.
cellfire and Savingstar are great!

FYI-The Date for an insert is typically in very small print on the side of the insert.

•Sunday Newspaper Insert Abbreviations:
RP = Red Plum
SS = SmartSource
GM = General Mills
PG = Procter and Gamble

•Other Abbreviations and Money-Saving Terms:
B1G1 or BOGO = Buy One, Get One Free
B2G1 = Buy Two, Get One Free
DEAD = The Offer is No Longer Valid
DND = Do Not Double
OOP = Out of Pocket
EX or X = Expires On
FAR = Free After Rebate
FILLER = is an Item Purchased to Reach a Minimum Total in Order to Get a good 'Deal'
GC = Gift Card
IP = Internet Printable
MC or MQ = Manufacturer’s coupon
MIR = Mail In Rebate
NED = No Expiration Date
STACKING: Using Both a Store Coupon and a Manufacturer’s Coupon on One Item
TMF = Try Me Free Offer
UPC = Universal Product Code

Good Luck & Happy Saving!